3 Secrets on Planning Your Personal Branding Photoshoot

December 16, 2019
Personal Branding

There are some aspects of planning a personal branding photoshoot that would determine the level of success of your photoshoot. I know how it feels having so many ideas but now knowing where to start.

I’m sure you know the importance of having on-brand professional photos that represent your business, your message and that attracts the right type of audience. But planning a personal branding photoshoot can be daunting.

There are so many things you’d like to do that it can easily turn into overwhelm. But not you, friend. And, for sure, not today.

Today, I want to share with you 3 secrets on planning your personal branding photoshoot.

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Have a goal for the photoshoot

Are you just starting your new personal brand and need some photos to show up confidently on social media? Are you rebranding your new website and need some fresh new on-brand images to connect with your audience? Are you launching an e-course, a book or a brand new podcast?

No matter where you are right now in your entrepreneurial journey, having professional photos to showcase your unique personality online is important. Especially on social media, your audience wants to feel that personal connection with you. Having a clearly defined goal is vital!

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Create a mood board and share this with your photographer

A mood board will help your photographer visualise your ideas. By doing this you will make sure that you’re both on the same page.

Use Pinterest to create a mood board:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click on the boards’ section.
  3. Create a board and make it private.
  4. Share this board with your photographer.
  5. Start pinning your ideas.

Here’s a screenshot of my mood board that I’ve created for my photoshoot.

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Get varieties of photos.

The squared photo you posted on Facebook will not work as well as the vertical photo you posted on your Instagram story. Why? Because people act differently on every platform. We have to respect the platform and create content based on their format. Having variations of photos is extremely important when doing a photo shoot.

Variation of photos to think of:

  • Vertical photos
  • Horizontal photos
  • Square photos
  • Wide-angle, medium and close-up
  • GIF
  • Boomerang for Instagram stories

Here’s an example of how I can make different variations of photos at one spot in less than 10 minutes.

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All in all, having professional photos that represent your business is vital. Having on-brand images will help give you authority and position you as an expert in your field. But, in order to have a successful photo shoot, you’d need a clear a well-defined goal, a mood-board to visually share your ideas with your photographer and a list of variation of photos ideas to make sure you can use them throughout different channels.

Start today with this free personal branding photography guide. This guide is a step-by-step process on planning your personal branding photoshoot. I give you some ideas for props, my complete framework and a to-do list so that you can start immediately!

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